What is kalanamak Rice?
Kala Namak rice is a special type of fragrant rice. Which is grown in some parts of Uttar Pradesh and Nepal near the Himalayas. There is an interesting story behind the name of this rice “Kala Namak” which we get from history. It is said that it is cultivated since the time of Gautam Buddha. This rice is also associated with Gautam Buddha, and it is said that when he attained enlightenment, he gifted this rice to the villagers of Kapalivastu.
Characteristics Of Kalanamak rice
Aroma and taste:
Kala Namak rice is known for its strong aroma. Some people say that the aroma is even more than Basmati rice. Due to its unique aroma, it is known as ‘scented black pearl’.
Cooking Qualities:
When cooked, this rice becomes very long. Its length is about 2.2 to 2.8, whereas after cooking Basmati it is 1.8 to 2.0. This rice is very soft and fluffy after cooking.
Nutritional Value:
Kala Namak rice has almost twice the amount of protein as compared to other rice. This rice contains many small micronutrients like iron, zinc which are very beneficial for our health. Due to its low glycemic index (49% to 52%), this rice is very good for diabetics.
Farming of Kalanamak rice
Kalamak rice cannot be grown everywhere. A special geographical condition is required for its growth. Where the soil has high salt concentration and pH value is high. This rice can be grown without the help of any pesticides and fertilizers. Therefore, it is considered suitable for organic farming. Its main growing areas are Maharaj Ganj, Siddharth Nagar, Deoria, Kushinagar and Gorakhpur.
Kalanamak Rice has lots of benefits and advantages whether it be health, Nutrition and its special fragrance in spite of all these good qualities Kalanamak rice faces many difficulties which has mentioned below-
- Decreasing Production area due to the introduction of high-yielding varieties(HYV).
- Vulnerability to diseases like panicle blast.
- Long cultivation duration (6-7 months) compared to other varieties.